Just Do It

Good fathering isn’t about good intentions. It’s about action.

Years ago, a friend of mine lived next door to a family consisting of two children, a mom, and a dad who struggled to take action. That became clear the day he came home with an aluminum fishing boat he’d bought for a couple hundred bucks. It was nothing fancy, but he looked forward to getting out on the lake each weekend, so his kids could fish and swim.

Except, once he parked the boat he never touched it again. On summer nights and weekends, the dad might get outside to mow the yard or check things off his honey-do list. But that boat never moved another inch. A year went by. Then two. Then three. By year four, the neighbor’s son had graduated high school and moved out. Instead of fun memories with dad, the kids got an aluminum yard ornament, reminding them of what could have been.

If you’ve got kids at home, take it from me, a guy with two grown boys of his own: there’s no time like right now to make memories. I know you’re busy, and it’s hard to carve out time. But isn’t that always true? Life never slows down, especially when you’re a parent. The days are long, but the years go by fast. So, don’t wait for the perfect time. Make the most of right now.

Good fathering is about action. Don’t talk about taking a boat to the lake or throwing a ball in the yard. Do it!  Invest the time. Invest the money. Make every moment count.

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